Engineering and Technical Projects and Services Contract
As part of a services contract agreement that supported a utility company’s billions of dollars in transmission, distribution, and environmental control technology investments, CERM provided Survey, Civil Engineering, and Environmental services.



Project Description
Project tasks included:
Performing a boundary and topographic survey at company headquarters, a 10-plus acre site located adjacent to a system of rails, trails and greenspace connecting 45 neighborhoods.
Evaluating the subsurface conditions for a substation located 35 minutes south of Atlanta. A total of thirteen (13) soil test borings drilled to depths ranging between 15 and 35 feet below ground surface elevation were specified for this project. All boreholes were backfilled with soil cuttings following stabilized groundwater level measurements.
Providing the following Environmental Services to confirm the presence or absence of hazardous materials on an as needed basis at various Toxic Substances Contract Act (TSCA) and Non TSCA sites: Environmental Site Assessments (I and II), site characterization, site remediation and site demolition.
Client: Confidential
Market: Energy