Empowering Clients with Reliable Workmanship

CERM is a trusted partner to clients throughout the Southeast. Our experience has touched thousands of acres and hundreds of miles of land where surveying and mapping is a critical step for high-profile transportation and infrastructure projects.

Our Expertise

Our clients trust us with precision land surveying because our proficiency in technology platforms such as AutoCAD, Carlson, Civil 3D, MicroStation, and InRoads software packages – is second to none.

Our experience with Master Plans, transportation surveys, and urban redevelopments results in outcome-driven solutions provided by CERM’s credentialed field personnel, registered land surveyors, and project delivery specialists. We are comfortable working on long-term assignments as well as projects that have an accelerated delivery process.

Integral to real property transfer, accurate location and documentation of property boundaries are critical during the decision-making process landowners face. Boundary surveys establish the property corners of the tract of land and define the limits of the subject tract. The survey can reveal potential problems including encroachment, right of way issues, and various other land title issues. By identifying these issues before “turning dirt” our approach helps mitigate impacts during construction.

Services include:

  • Boundary & Topographic Surveys
  • Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM)
  • Drafting
  • Easement Surveys
  • Subdivision Platting
  • Utility Locations
  • Ground Control for Aerial Mapping
  • Asset Inventory Surveys
  • Infrastructure Inventory & Mapping
  • As-Built Surveys
  • Construction Layout & Staking
  • Flood Certification
  • Pin Placement
  • Right-of-Way & Deed Research
  • Roadway Construction Staking
  • Railway Construction Staking
  • RTK Construction Testing
  • Soil Volume Surveys
  • GIS Services
  • Construction Verification
  • Quality Assurance Support