atlanta, ga

City of Atlanta Beltline, Inc. Enota Park Expansion

Enota Park is linked to the Atlanta Beltline Trail, a sustainable redevelopment project that will provide a network of public parks, multi-use trails and transit along a historic 22-mile railroad corridor circling downtown and connecting many neighborhoods directly to each other. The neighborhood park is a six-acre site located in the City of Atlanta.


Project Description

Services Provided by CERM:

The project calls for SITES-certified, which requires unique designs that feature the use of local or regional construction material, recycled material, minimal impact to existing trees; minimal grading, and erosion control BMPS to protect a major creek that runs through the property. A walking trail through the site provides handicap access while overcoming extreme topographic changes and avoiding significant trees.

CERM’s design team provided the site design for the entire project, working alongside other professionals on the design team including architects, landscape architects, structural engineers, geotechnical engineers and arborists.

 Project Highlights

  • Design storm water management system that utilized better site design practices to minimize storm water runoff
  • Use of interactive storm water control BMPS such as rain gardens and bioretention basins for water quality treatment and flood control
  • Use of pervious pavers to encourage infiltration and groundwater recharge and reduce storm water runoff
  • Use of retaining walls to limit the extent of land disturbance and protect as many trees as possible

The CERM survey team provided a database containing boundary, topographic and utility location support for the design team. The following tasks were performed as a part of this project:

Project Highlights

  • An ALTA/NSPS survey for 26 parcels and a combination plat to consolidate the parcels into one final parcel.
  • A topographic survey for the 8-acre site showing site planimetrics and a 1-foot contour map.
  • A tree survey showing hardwoods 6” dbh and larger and pines 12” dbh and larger. Trees were tagged with aluminum markers and catalogued in a table noting the size and species.
  • Quality Level C subsurface investigation which involves the process of surveying the visible utility features and appurtenances. This data is compiled with existing records to develop an underground utility exhibit.

The survey was delivered in AutoCAD Civil 3D and the tree catalogue was delivered in Microsoft Excel.

Client/Owner: Pond & Company/Atlanta Beltline, Inc.

Markets: Transportation, Water Resources