dekalb county, ga

DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management - Consent Decree Program Management

In December 2010, DeKalb County entered into the Consent Decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Georgia Environmental Protection Division.


Project Description

The Consent Decree requires the County to: 1) Assess the operations and management of the Department of Watershed Management, 2) Assess the County’s wastewater collection and transmission system (sewer pipe system), and 3) Make recommendations concerning how these functions and the system may be improved.  

CERM is serving as a sub-consultant to the Consent Decree Program Management Team (CDPMT) for the contract and is providing the following services: 

  • Project Management for all Lift Station and SSO Rehabilitation Projects 

  • Project Management for the scheduling and development of SSO Rehabilitation projects within the PASARP and OSARP ranking areas

  • Project Management for SSES evaluation, Rehab Design Engineering, and Construction for PASARP and OSARP areas
    Public Involvement including leading the public education outreach program

  • Hydraulic Modeling

  • InfoWorks GS/CS

  • GIS Mapping including:

    • ​QA/QC Data

    • Data Completeness (Gap Analysis)

    • Sewer Ranking Area Boundary Delineation

  • Engineering guidance in the preparation of specifications and bid documents for sewer system assessment, rehabilitation design, construction management and rehab construction contracts.

  • Reviewing and approving submittals, QA/QC data, provide engineering/construction recommendations

  • Management of numerous Capital Improvement Projects and tracking/reporting of milestone dates associated with consent decree compliance. 

Client: DeKalb County Department of Watershed Management

Market: Water Resources